Video Game Cosplay

Character: Yuri
Series: Dirty Pair Flash
Debuted: San Diego Comic-con 2003
Creation: Self made
Profile Photo:

About this costume
Selection Process: I love Dirty Pair! Kei and Yuri are just crazy and loveable. I was glad my sister decided to join me as Kei.
Construction: This was one of the first challenges for me. I made the blue bodysuit, and then had my mom help me draft a pattern for the white oversuit. I was also helping make my sister's costume, including cutting her wig and coloring the orange part with Sharpies! My own wig was normally curly with no bangs, so straightened it by first boiling it, and then going over the waves with a straightening iron on low setting. The boots were purchased - they were painful but I LOVED them! A friend made the light saber with an actual light in it.
Final Thoughts: Ah, I love this costume! We were quite noticeable as a pair, and I love seeing the modern incarnations of it with the way cosplay has progressed these days.