Video Game Cosplay

Other Cosplay & Costumes
Character: Renaissance Maiden
Series: Renaissance Festival
Variation: Original
Debuted: Renaissance Festival 2018
Creation: Purchased/Self made
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About this costume
Selection Process: Of course you've got to have a Renaissance Faire costume! I try to go every year (except, of course, for the 6 years I lived overseas). It's usually really hot and dusty in Phoenix when it's on, so I don't try too hard with my costume!
Construction: My first costume was made by myself and my mother back in about 2001. I made the skirt and blouse, and she made the corset. Unfortunately, I no longer have this costume! So in 2018, I made another one using the same pattern (not the EXACT same one, but I bought a new one) making only the blouse and skirt. I didn't have time to make a corset so I wore one I purchased from Amazon. I liked it but it was too long, and the straps were also too long. The belt pack and pouched were also purchased on Amazon. That year, I managed to find a beautiful reversible corset on sale for $60! In 2019, I wore my new corset and my flower crown from Hawaii!
Final Thoughts: I love this costume. I plan on adding more and more, and possibly making a belly dance costume as well.