Video Game Cosplay

Character: Mario
Series: Super Mario Brothers
Variation: Girly
Debuted: Games2014, Dubai
Creation: Mostly purchased
Profile Photo: Alex Nes, Green Moments Photography

About this costume
Selection Process: Having had limited resources in Dubai (I still wasn't sure where all the cosplayers were getting their goodies!) and having a crazy flying schedule, I decided I needed something quick and cute that I could use at events, especially the upcoming one. I already had a Mario hat (I have both Mario and Luigi that I picked up while in Singapore) so this was an easy decision.
Construction: The only thing I made is the overalls skirt. I used a simple pattern with ruffles, added the gems and suspenders and voila! Probably the easiest cosplay in my portfolio! I purchased the gloves (can't remember where), the blouse from H&M, and already had knee high white socks and red flats in my wardrobe.
My latest iteration was for my Retro Gaming themed birthday party! I purchased pieces and put them together for another fun take on video game's favorite plumber.
Final Thoughts: Mario is classic, so it got a lot of attention. I only wore it twice, but I'll keep it in my stash in case the opportunity arises to wear it again!