Video Game Cosplay

TV & Movies Cosplay
Character: Princess Bubblegum
Series: Adventure Time
Variation: Lolita
Debuted: Geek Fest 2014
Creation: Self made
Profile Photo: Kincart Photography

About this costume
Selection Process: My cousin and I really wanted to do a cosplay together that was relatively simple so we came up with the idea of doing Lolita Adventure Time. She was Lumpy Space Princess. I love pink so obviously I was Bubblegum!
Construction: I used a "lolita" pattern and found the fabric around the fabric district in Dubai. I ordered the wig off Amazon and even though it wasn't standard lolita I just loved it too much! When I decided to resurface it for 2018, I ordered a more Lolita style wig, which I absolutely loved, and dusted my skin with bright pink blush. The crown is glitter craft foam and wire.
Final Thoughts: I love frilly, girly costumes and I actually don't make too many of them, so I love to have this one in the ready to just throw on and go.
Work In Progress Gallery
Where To Buy
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