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Video Game Cosplay

Character: Ukyo Kuonji
Series: Ranma 1/2
Debuted: San Diego Comic-con 2003
Creation: Self-made
Profile Photo:

About this costume
Selection Process: Ranma 1/2 is my all-time favorite anime, and Ukyo is my all-time favorite anime character! My brother had been talking about doing a Ranma group, so I finally decided on cosplaying Ukyo. However, only myself and my brother finished our costumes.
Construction: The chef outfit is one piece, drafted by my mom and sewn by me. The spatulas and bandolier were made by a friend. Unfortunately, the large spatula snapped at the beginning of the day, thus the lovely packing tape keeping it together!
Final Thoughts: I was pretty pleased with this costume, however, I feel it would have been improved with a wig! I may or may not do this costume again... we'll see if I can get another group together!
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