Video Game Cosplay

Character: Bowsette
Series: Mario Brothers
Variation: Super Crown Meme
Debuted: 2020
Creation: 20% Made / 80% Purchased
Profile Photo: Ty Ng

About this costume
Selection Process: When this meme blew up, I had decided I wanted to do a Booette at some point, in a lolita style. Then I was invited to be a guest at the E-Gear Distribution Smash tournament so I tried to come up with a relevant costume. I realized half of this stuff was already in my stash, and I also picked the redhead version since she tends to be depicted with darker skin, and I don't make a good blonde!
Construction: Here's what I already had: Arda wig (a friend of mine was liquidating her cosplay stash and gave this to me), bodysuit (purchased from AliExpress for another costume), bracers (from Spirit Halloween, I use them for Chun-li), boots (scored these at Goodwill a long time ago and just had to have them but never had a chance to use them), skirt (this is actually the skirt from my Luna cosplay). The garters, vampire fangs and stockings were purchased on Amazon.
For the crown, I used a pattern and tutorial with some tweaks by Game Guy DIY. The horns I just free sculpted with foam clay and attached both onto a headband. I glued a neodymium magnet on the headpiece and a magnet to the wig to secure it.
For the shell, I just kind of eyeballed the pattern with reference to Kinpatsu's tutorial. You know I love pockets so I wanted this to multifunction as a mini backpack! So instead of foam like the tutorial suggests, I scored this gorgeous Yaya Han fabric on clearance, and just kind of made it up as I go. Most of the shell is stuffed with polyfill, and there's a small zip pocket on the side. The studded trim is something I've had in my stash for years. The spikes are made of foam clay and attach easily with velcro! The earrings are foam clay and the brooch is resin.
Final Thoughts: I love this costume way more than I thought I would! I wear the skirt when I want to cover up a bit more but I much prefer the bodysuit version for sure!
Work In Progress Gallery