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Character: Android18            
Series: Dragon Ball
Debuted: My backyard!
Creation: Purchased
Profile Photo: 

Anime & Manga Cosplay

About this costume

Selection Process: OK, let's be real here! I never had a plan to make this costume, but I did put this together as a Goodwill cosplay for our Cosplay 101 presentation. I picked Android 18 (sorry, I don't actually watch DBZ!) because it's a costume made up of normal clothes but still very recognizable.

Construction: I lucked out and happened to be shopping at Goodwill on 1/2 Price Saturday! I purchase the stripe shirt, black tank undershirt, denim overshirt, belt, skirt and boots all for a mere $16. I ordered the wig on Amazon for $15, and I already owned the black tights. All I had to do was crop the denim shirt, rip off the sleeves and distress is a bit, and it was perfect. I popped into my 13 year old nephew's room and said, WHO AM I?! And he immediately said, Android 18! So I consider that a victory.

Final Thoughts: I was pleasantly surprised myself at how cheap and easy it all came together! But I most likely won't be wearing this again... unless the need arises.

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